Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving Styles

When people have a favourite holiday, they usually make it well known. Declaring spooky season as soon as the first autumn leaf falls, putting a Christmas tree up as soon as it turns 12:01 am on November 1st, throwing the biggest New Year’s Eve party in the neighbourhood every year (and making sure everyone knows it), etc. But do you know what we need more of? People who love Thanksgiving! This early-October holiday is the perfect chance to get together with family and friends to appreciate each other’s company without the pressure of finding the perfect Christmas gift or having the most fun on NYE.
The best part of Thanksgiving, besides enjoying the company of your loved ones? Is it all the delicious food? Well, yes, but no. Is it getting Thanksgiving Monday off as a holiday? Also yes, but not where I was headed. It’s the fact that it’s finally cold enough outside to bring out the proper autumnal fashion!! By the time Thanksgiving weekend rolls around, it’ll be ankle boots, chunky sweater, lightweight jacket season. The best way to spice up your fashion choices this fall is by finding the perfect pair of socks to show your personality and complement the rest of your outfit. Tuck them over your leggings to show above your boots, or cuff the bottom of your jeans to show a sneak peak of your new, enviable pair of socks above your sneakers. The style choices are endless when it gets below 15 °C! And trust us, as Canadians, we should all be very thankful for socks

Pumpkin Spice

 pumpkin spice socks
Speaking of spicing up your autumnal attire, ha. Pumpkin spice is essentially the unofficial culinary harbinger of the fall season! Is there anything more intoxicating than when that delicious scent of cinnamon, cloves, allspice, and nutmeg wafts towards you while walking by your local café? It immediately makes me want to grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte, a book, a throw blanket, and find somewhere cozy to enjoy the immaculate fall vibes. Throw on a pair of our Pumpkin Spice Cotton Dress Socks by Hot Sox to transport yourself to the perfect fall day, or gift them to your friend who can’t resist the daily call of the infamous PSL in October – there’s one in every friend group.

The Gourd Family

 pumpkin and squash socks
Pumpkins, squash, and gourds, oh my! If you’re the type to decorate your dining table for Thanksgiving, I bet you have one of the aforementioned three as a centrepiece. Who could blame you? The gourd family of fruit (yes, fruit, surprisingly – I know, I’m shocked too) is quintessential autumn décor. In fact, the gourd family is the staple of the ultimate dining table centrepiece: the cornucopia. The cornucopia is a symbol of abundance, which is what Canadian Thanksgiving celebrates – it’s a harvest festival! Well, that and the cornucopia is also a symbol of someone who really wants to impress their dinner guests. And it works! Wear these Pumpkin Cotton Dress Crew Socks by Yo Sox to your next Thanksgiving feast so you can prove you have the most thankful spirit of them all!

Pumpkins & Pies

 pumpkin pie socks
Some people say it’s not really Thanksgiving unless there’s turkey. Some people claim it isn’t a real Thanksgiving unless there’s cranberry sauce. Me? Well, for me, my entire childhood experiences of Thanksgiving hinged on there being roasted pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie. Roasting pumpkin seeds was always such a family bonding activity for us, since you’d gather the seeds from the inside of the pumpkin as you were carving your jack-o-lantern (another fundamental autumn activity!). Pumpkin pie is, of course, integral. It is the most autumnal of all the pies, and tastes the best too, in my opinion. Imagine how heartbroken I was when I was in the United Kingdom one October and tried to throw a Canadian thanksgiving for all my international friends, and couldn’t find a single pumpkin pie in any of the shops I went to. Absolutely devastating. One day I’ll learn to make my own, I’m sure. Show off your love of Thanksgiving cuisine by styling a pair of our mixed and matched Pumpkins and Pies Cotton Dress Crew Socks by Yo Sox – when anyone asks you if you’d like seconds of anything, just point to one of your socks and say “yes, please, I’ll take another serving of this!”

Pumpkin Corgi

 pumpkin corgi socks
We did say Thanksgiving is a family-centric holiday, didn’t we? Make sure every member of the family is included by dressing the kids up in these Pumpkin Corgi Crew Socks by Hot Sox for kids. Bonus: this pair also functions as Halloween-themed socks for when they need a funky outfit for school! If you have a dog, might want to keep it and the real pumpkins separated from the children, though. Don’t want them getting any overly ambitious ideas.

Dancing Turkeys

 dancing turkey socks
This pair of socks represents the dance we all do internally when those delicious plates heaped with holiday favourites finally get brought out to the table (although I’m sure there are those among us that do the dance externally, as well!). These eccentric Dancing Turkeys Cotton Crew Socks by Hot Sox  will truly show how thankful you are that everyone has come together for such a delicious meal. Hey, it might even inspire you and your family and friends to come up with a viral dance trend. Bonding time! And isn’t that what the holidays are all about?